Best Supplements For Skin Elasticity During Large Weight Loss

Skin with eczema and acne

In this article we are going to explain what are the best supplements for skin elasticity during large weight loss. Weight loss is a huge challenge in itself.  But once you are done through that, you could still have remnants of weight loss that might disturb you.

Apart from reminding you about your painful journey, (not that being fat has to be a pain but the medical threats it poses and other reasons that caused you to become slimmer), it could affect your emotional state of feeling that despite losing weight you did not gain the much-awaited and much struggle for appearance.

What are these souvenirs that make you think like this?  These chunks of memorabilia are your saggy skin. You burn the fat but the skin remains.

You might have seen that people start taking more and more elastin supplements after their weight loss journey. It is because elastin supplements are known to put out these hanging and sagging skin remnants. It makes your skin tighten and returns natural elasticity to your dermis. 

How does Elastin or Its Supplements Affect Your Skin?

Elastin is a fibrous protein. It combines with micro fibrils to provide elastic fibers.  These elastic fibers are responsible for stretchy skin. It assists in recoiling the skin. 

Apart from this, collagen, another fibrous protein helps elastin for building up the skin.  Many people confuse collagen with elastin, however, these are two distinct fibrous proteins and have different constitutions.  But they do contribute to clear and tight skin. 

What Factors Causes the Skin to Lose its Elasticity?

Apart from huge weight loss, other factors could compromise the integrity of your skin. These factors include;

  • exposure to too much sunlight
  • not taking a good diet,
  • not exercising regularly
  • exposing your skin too much to the environment in general
  • not using moisturizers
  • using too much hot water.

All of these factors take a toll on the production of collagen and elastin present in your skin.

They breach the elastic fiber networks and replace the normal functioning collagen and elastin with abnormal clumps.

Overall, your skin’s texture, appearance and health deteriorate making it vulnerable to sagging and flabbiness. 

Supplements For Skin Elasticity

A good diet is a blessing and a treatment for saggy skin. Through a healthy and nutrient dense diet your skin will be able to revitalize and regain its elasticity.

There are various supplements that help with skin elasticity as well that you can use to supplement your skin elasticity efforts – especially after severe weight loss. 


These organic substances present in your body in trace amounts are the most beneficial to your skin. Different types of vitamins play different roles in your body and collectively contribute to your skin’s well-being.  They can help you with dark spots, wrinkles,  excessive dryness, and discoloration. 

Following are some of the vitamins that you should add to your dietary supplements to have healthy-looking skin and body.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is utilized in tissue making and repairing. It is also responsible for making and maintaining elastin fibers. 

Collagen formation also relies upon vitamin C to some extent.  It is a cancer-fighting agent too. With such a surplus amount of functions performed by Vitamin C, it is no wonder that it is recommended by most fitness advisors as well as nutritionists. 

The good thing is that Vitamin C is present commonly around us. 

Some fruits and vegetables that are rich in Vitamin C include:

There are special Vitamin C tablets that can easily dissolve in water.  One can also use them to meet their requirement for Vitamin C. 

Vitamin D

Too much sunlight is fatal to your skin. But a little sunlight in the early hours of the morning is a candy that could cure you of many skin conditions and treat you with smooth elastic skin. Vitamin D helps in the making of new cells of different organs. 

The skin is the largest organ in the body that benefits most from this vitamin. Vitamin D has a special role in the activation of cathelicidin, an antimicrobial peptide that stimulates the antimicrobial defense mechanism of the skin.

Vitamin D actively participates in treating discoloration. Some associated skin discoloration diseases are known to be cured by Vitamin D. 

Apart from consuming sunlight, other sources of vitamin D are foods like

Vitamin E

Another important supplement found in nuts and seeds, Vitamin E protects your skin against the harmful radiation of the sun. It protects the collagen breakdown and ultimately helps the skin to remain intact. 


Proteins are extremely important for the skin.  They are the building blocks of skin tissue. Given that collagen and elastin themselves are proteins, it is undeniable that protein intake is a must for plum and glowing skin. 

Complete proteins are the animal sources like chicken, fish, lamb, eggs and many dairy products. They have all nine amino acids that the body cannot produce itself. 

On the other hand, proteins derived from plants are considered to be incomplete proteins. 

A combination of pea and rice can significantly overcome the deficiency of the amino acid profile that usually lacks in the incomplete protein sources. It is a good option for vegans in particular. 

Lysine and proline are two important amino acids that are responsible for collagen production. 


Some minerals are also beneficial for the revitalization of the skin. These are;


Acne can be significantly reduced by using zinc.  It has properties that prevent the inflammation of the skin. 

Zinc can be found in red meat, poultry, seafood like oysters and lobsters, and breakfast cereals.


Copper is one of the essential nutrients that a body requires. It has magical effects on the skin because it helps in the production of collagen along with other body fibers, as well as in maintaining the elastin fiber. It also helps the collagen and elastin fibers to manage their criss cross structure, essential to the elasticity of skin.

Foods that are rich in copper are:


A good diet is the best way to overcome as well as prevent yourself from any skin dilemma. For a perfectly elastic skin, after a huge weight loss, what is more important is the use of will power and optimism.

You are not the only one suffering from saggy skin. If you have won the battle of obesity, you can easily overcome the problem of skin sagginess. All you have to do is take a balanced diet, rich in proteins and minerals. 

They help you make muscles which burn more calories during rest time than fats. You could go to a renowned nutritionist who could recommend a schedule for your diet and soon you would be good to go. 

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