Old School New Body Review: Does It Worth It?

old school new body eBook cover

F4X Youth-Enhancing Bodyshaping System For Men And Women

  • Old School New Body is a comprehensive program that includes workout regimens, meal plans, and general information.
  • The program promises results in just 90 minutes per week and includes a Quick Start Guide for immediate fitness journey.
  • The creators of Old School New Body, Steve and Becky Holman, are highly respected figures in the fitness industry with extensive knowledge in nutrition and weight training.
  • The program focuses on time under tension (TUT) for muscle growth, emphasizing controlled movement for effective and safe training.

Only $20.

stars rating review

Are you over 40 and looking to achieve a youthful and fit body? Then Old School New Body Training program may be the fitness program for you.

Created by Steve and Becky Holman, this program combines resistance training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to maximize fat loss and muscle development.

With an emphasis on proper nutrition and lifestyle habits, Old School New Body takes a holistic approach to fitness that caters to the unique needs of aging individuals.

But is it worth it? Let’s find out with my comprehensive Old School New Body Review. I suggest you use the table of contents to navigate the Old School New Body Review

Old School New Body Review

What is Old School New Body?

So, you’re probably wondering what exactly is included in the Old School New Body eBook. Well, let me break it down for you.

Old School, New Body, is a training system that is directed towards getting a healthier body mass and slowed aging. It is based on the principle that real efficiency lies in short, hard sessions of exercise rather than longer workout sessions.

It offers a comprehensive package that includes workout regimens, meal plans, and general information to help you achieve your fitness goals. The best part? It promises results in just 90 minutes per week.

Old School New Body Review

In addition to the core program, which is the foundation of the system, you’ll also receive the F4X Quick Start Guide. This guide provides a step-by-step approach to get you started on your fitness journey right away. But that’s not all! You’ll also get four additional bonus guides and reports covering various topics related to health and wellness.

To make things even more interesting, the Old School New Body eBook includes audio interviews with bodybuilders and fitness pros who share their insights and experiences. This adds an extra element of motivation and inspiration to keep you going on your quest for a healthier lifestyle.

The program is designed to work for people of all ages, from college-aged students to grandmothers. It specifically targets the older population, aiming to help them get stronger and slow down the aging process. There are different levels of difficulty available, including a lean version for beginners or those with time constraints.

With its affordable price tag of just $20, the Old School New Body eBook is definitely worth considering if you’re looking for an effective and accessible fitness solution.

Old School New Body training system is based on the S4X training protocol that relies on short and intense sessions of exercise rather than longer workout sessions.

Who Are The Creator of Old School New Body?

Steve and Becky Holman, the creators of Old School New Body, have been influential figures in the fitness industry for over 25 years. Steve Holman has served as the editor-in-chief of Iron Man magazine for more than two decades. His expertise in weight training and nutrition is well-known, evident from the books he has written on these topics.

steve holman and becky
Becky (left) and Steve (right) Holman

Becky Holman, on the other hand, is not only a success story of the F4X method but also a regular contributor to Iron Man magazine for over ten years.

Together, Steve and Becky have amassed extensive knowledge in nutrition and weight training. Their experience in these fields makes them highly qualified individuals to create a program like Old School New Body. Over their 28-year marriage, they have raised two daughters while dedicating themselves to staying fit and healthy.

Their contributions to Iron Man magazine showcase their commitment to sharing valuable information with others who desire understanding in fitness-related matters. With their combined expertise and dedication to health and wellness, it’s no wonder that Steve and Becky Holman are widely respected figures in the fitness industry.

Old School New Body Review
John Rowley

John Rowley is an entrepreneur from Florida and has played a big role in the building of the Old School New Body Training System F4X module.

All the fitness experts have contributed their roles in the development of the effective training program.

The Old School New Body Fitness Training system is designed by fitness industry experts Steve Holman, Becky Holman, and John Rowley.

How does the Old School New Body program actually work

To understand how the Old School New Body program works, you need to focus on the concept of time under tension (TUT) and its role in increasing muscle growth.

TUT involves slowing down the execution of exercises to increase muscle tension. Research has shown that TUT can significantly help with muscle growth, making it an essential component of this program. [1]

The TUT instructions provided in Old School New Body are scientifically supported for maximum gains. By increasing the time spent under tension during each rep, you encourage controlled exercise, which reduces the risk of injury.

This emphasis on controlled movement is crucial for effective and safe training – especially for seniors and older adults.

The program offers protocols for all levels of lifters, from beginners to pro-level lifters. The F4X protocol is a popular approach within the program and consists of four sets of ten reps for each exercise, with each rep taking 4 seconds to complete.

This combination of short rest periods and longer time under tension maximizes fat burn and builds lean muscle mass.

Old School New Body’s training regimen is supported by research, making it more likely to be effective compared to non-TUT training methods.

By emphasizing moderate weights, higher rep ranges, and time under tension, this program aims to increase growth hormone release, build lean muscle mass, and burn fat effectively.

What is the F4X workout?

The F4X workout, which stands for Focus-4 Exercises, is a key component of the Old School New Body program.

This workout consists of four core exercises: squats, incline presses, bent over rows, and upright rows.

With three different workout plans to choose from, each taking about 30-60 minutes to complete, the F4X method offers a versatile approach suitable for beginners or those with limited time.

The F4X fitness protocol consists of 3 workout levels.

  • F4X Lean Workout: The program’s foundation. It consists of moderate weight training workouts to help you get in shape, feel great and maintain a fit and healthy body. By utilizing the F4X lean workout level for the rest of your life, you will stay healthy, fit, lean and youthful.
  • F4X Shape Workout: he second level of F4X, a more advance training program. Their level consists of 3 x 45 – 60 minute workouts per week – instead the 3 x 30 minute workouts the F4X lean workout level. This level is intended for seniors who want to build up some more muscle and shred away all the unnecessary fat.
  • F4X Build Workout: If you goal is to become like a fitness model in your 40s and have that jaw dropping effect on others, then this third level of the F4x training program is for you. The level for men and women who seek top physique.

Below are the chapters of the Old School New Body eBook.

Old School New Body Review
  • Chapter 1: F4X Training System: Turning Fat Into Muscle
  • Chapter 2: Covers The F4X Lean Workout – Your 20-Minute Belly Fat Blow Torch
  • Chapter 3: Focuses on Joint Rejuvenation – Pain Free Sanity
  • Chapter 4: Focuses on Motivation.
  • Chapter 5: F4X Automatic Cardio and the Forgotten Key to Leanness
  • Chapter 6: Transformation Sensation: Breaking Out of Chub Club
  • Chapter 7: The F4X Shape Workout: Lard-to-Hard Blast-Off
  • Chapter 8: The F4X All-Dumbbell Workout: Instant At-Home, New Body Solution
  • Chapter 9: Lean Machine Diet: Facts and Fallacies
  • Chapter 10: Eat More, Lose Fat, Build Muscle
  • Chapter 11: The Truth About Alcohol
  • Chapter 12 Your Three Key Fat-to-Muscle Supplements
  • Chapter 13 Frequently Asked Questions & Answers for Old School New Body
  • Chapter 14 Advanced Training: The Full Range Build Workout

Click here to visit OSNB’s official website.

Who is Old School New Body program best for?

Technically, the Old School New Body Training System can be used by anyone.

But, the training program has been designed specifically for older individuals who might struggle with heavy weights and are more susceptible to injuries.

As we age, our bodies naturally lose muscle mass and strength (Sarcopenia). [2]

This can make traditional weightlifting exercises challenging and even risky for older adults. The Old School New Body program offers a safe and effective alternative.

One of the main benefits of this program is that it focuses on high-intensity resistance training using lighter weights. This approach allows older individuals to build strength without putting excessive strain on their joints and muscles. By targeting specific muscle groups with precise movements, this program helps to improve overall strength, flexibility, and balance.

Additionally, the Old School New Body program is suitable for both men and women. It recognizes that everyone’s fitness goals are unique and provides customizable workouts to accommodate individual needs.

Whether you’re looking to increase muscle tone, lose weight, or simply stay active as you age, this program can be tailored to suit your specific goals.

Personally, I do believe these signs of aging come faster in people who don’t take care of their health and follow wrong instructions that lead to faster aging.

Although the Old School New Body Training System is targeting people in the age group of 40 years old and above, this training program can be utilized by every age group – both men and women. Visit the program’s official website to learn more about it.

Benefits Of The Old School New Body Training Program

One of the main benefits of the Old School New Body program is that it focuses on high-intensity resistance training using lighter weights.

This approach may seem counterintuitive, but research has shown that it can be just as effective, if not more so, than traditional heavy weightlifting. [3]

By using lighter weights and performing exercises with controlled movements and time under tension (TUT), you are able to target specific muscles more effectively and reduce the risk of injury.

In addition to its focus on high-intensity resistance training, the Old School New Body program offers a range of other benefits.

For starters, it burns stubborn body fat by increasing your metabolism through intense workouts. This can lead to noticeable weight loss and improved muscle definition.

Furthermore, this program strengthens joints, which is particularly important as we age. It promotes healthy joint function and helps prevent common issues such as arthritis or joint pain.

By slowing down the aging process and developing lean muscles, the Old School New Body program can also improve your overall health and vitality. The combination of resistance training and proper nutrition supports muscle growth and maintenance while boosting your energy levels.

Here’s more detailed analysis of the benefits of OSNB:

  1. Improved Strength and Muscle Tone: The OSNB program emphasizes resistance training, which can help increase muscle mass, strength, and tone. This can lead to improved functional fitness and better overall health. Hypertrophy, which is the formation of bigger muscle cells, paves the way for an improved leaner mass that makes you stronger and youthful.
  2. Increased Fat Loss: Resistance training also helps to increase the body’s metabolic rate, which can lead to greater fat loss. This is especially true when combined with a healthy diet.
  3. Better Cardiovascular Health: The OSNB program includes cardiovascular exercise, such as walking, which can help to improve heart health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  4. Increased Flexibility and Mobility: The program includes exercises that can help to improve flexibility and mobility, which can reduce the risk of injury and improve overall physical performance.
  5. Anti-Aging Benefits: The OSNB program includes exercises that can help to improve bone density, reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and improve overall physical function, which can help to slow the aging process.
  6. Convenience: The program is designed to be done at home, so individuals can save time and money on gym memberships and travel.
  7. Personalized Workouts: The program includes customized workout plans based on individual fitness goals, fitness level, and age. This can help to ensure that each individual is getting the most effective workout possible.
  8. Specially designed for people over 40: On the other hand, the F4X Old School New Body Training System saves you from this trouble. John Rowley – which is a certified trainer – helped develop this program especially for people 40+, taking into consideration this particular age group’s needs. This is specifically built for all adults who are hustling and still want themselves to look more youthful and vibrant.

The benefits of purchasing and implementing the Old School New Body Training program are time-saving, Safe and effective, fills the body with energy, removing fat, and builds muscle at the same time. More importantly, it makes you look younger.

OSNB Pros & Cons

😁 Old School New Body PROS

The Old School New Body program’s emphasis on controlled movement and time under tension (TUT) helps promote effective and safe exercise. By focusing on these principles, you can expect to see significant results in your fitness journey.

Here are some pros of the program that will surely evoke positive emotions in you:

  • The workout plans provided are top-notch and efficient, ensuring that you make the most out of your time at the gym.
  • Regardless of your age, this program is designed to be suitable for both young and older individuals, so no matter where you are in life, you can benefit from it.
  • One great thing about this program is that it is easy on the joints. This means reduced risk of joint pain or injuries that could hinder your progress.
  • The nutrition plan laid out in the book is solid and suitable for everyone. It focuses on providing balanced meals that will support your fitness goals.
  • The inclusion of interviews and reports within the program adds extra value to your purchase as they provide additional insights into health and fitness.

With these pros in mind, it’s clear that the Old School New Body program offers a comprehensive approach to achieving your fitness goals safely and effectively.

🤔 Old School New Body CONS

Here are some potential cons of the Old School New Body program:

  • Lack of clarity in exercise descriptions: Some users have mentioned that the exercises could be better explained with more photos or video links for better understanding.
  • Extraneous interviews: The inclusion of interviews in this program may not appeal to everyone, as they might prefer a more straightforward approach without these additional elements.
  • Limited value in ultimate reports: While the ultimate reports are included as part of the program, they may not add substantial value to individuals who are already committed to following the workout plans and nutrition guidelines.
  • Average supplement information: The supplement information provided in the program is considered average by some users, indicating that it may not offer groundbreaking insights or recommendations.
  • Generic anti-aging claim: The anti-aging aspect of this program is largely attributed to building and toning muscles, which is a common result of any effective fitness regimen.

What you get with your purchase?

When you purchase the Old School New Body program, you receive several valuable resources that can help you achieve your fitness goals.

The first resource is the Old School, New Body eBook, which is a comprehensive guide to getting in shape and staying fit. It covers everything from nutrition and exercise to mindset and motivation.

In addition to the eBook, you also get a Quick Start Guide that provides you with a step-by-step plan on how to get started with the program. This guide is perfect for those who are eager to begin their fitness journey right away.

Old School New Body Review

But that’s not all. You also receive three special reports that focus on specific areas of improvement: fat burning, health and happiness, and muscle building. These reports provide additional tips and strategies for maximizing your results in these areas.

The Ultimate Fat Burning Secrets Special Report gives you insights into how to effectively burn fat and shed those extra pounds.

The Ultimate Health & Happiness Secrets Special Report focuses on improving overall health and well-being through lifestyle changes.

And finally, the Ultimate Muscle Building Secrets Special Report provides valuable information on building lean muscle mass.

Old School New Body Review
The four bonuses that you get with your Old School New Body Fitness Training Program Purchase.

With these resources at your disposal, you have a wealth of knowledge and guidance to help you transform your body and improve your fitness levels.

So why wait? Take advantage of what the Old School New Body program has to offer and start working towards a healthier, fitter version of yourself today.

The Old School New Body training program simply works. With just 90 minutes per week (that’s 3 x 30-minute sessions) you can get anti-aging, body-transforming results. Click here to secure your copy of Old School New Body.

Where Can You Buy The Old School New Body training program?

You can purchase the Old School New Body training program exclusively on their official website for $20. This is a great deal considering all the benefits and resources you will receive.

The authors of the program are confident in its effectiveness, which is why they offer a 60-day money-back guarantee.

This means that if you try the program and it doesn’t help you achieve your goals, you can simply return it and get your money back.

Buying the program from the official website is also recommended because it ensures that you are getting a legitimate copy of the program.

There have been cases where counterfeit versions of popular fitness programs have been sold on other websites, so it’s always best to go straight to the source.

Another advantage of purchasing from the official website is that you will have access to any updates or additional resources that may be added in the future.

The authors are constantly working to improve and enhance their program, so by buying directly from them, you can stay up-to-date with any new developments.

60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

The authors of the Old School New Body program are confident in its effectiveness and offer a 60-day money-back guarantee. This guarantee is a testament to their belief in the program’s ability to deliver results. The 60-day time frame allows ample opportunity to try out the program and see if it works for you.

Old School New Body Review

Having a money-back guarantee is important when considering any fitness or weight loss program. It shows that the authors stand behind their product and are willing to back it up with a refund if you’re not satisfied. This should give you peace of mind knowing that your investment is protected.

With the Old School New Body program, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If you follow the program diligently for 60 days and don’t see the desired results, you can simply request a refund. This demonstrates the authors’ confidence in their system’s ability to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Why This Training Program and Not Any Other Training Program

The Old School New Body program is not just any other training program. It has gained popularity and garnered positive reviews for several reasons. Firstly, it focuses on a unique approach called the F4X Training System, which is specifically designed for people over 40 years old.

Secondly, the Old School New Body program emphasizes the importance of nutrition. It provides guidance on what to eat and when to eat it, ensuring that your body gets all the necessary nutrients while promoting fat loss and muscle growth.

Moreover, the success stories from individuals who have followed this program speak volumes about its effectiveness. Many users have reported significant improvements in their strength, flexibility, and overall physique.

For only $20 you can get the best information that will help you achieve anti-aging, body-transforming results with only 90 minutes a week with the Old School New Body Fitness Training Program.

Old School New Body Reviews on other platforms

While browsing through various online platforms, you might come across bad reviews of the Old School New Body program on Amazon from people who were scammed by fake sellers. It’s unfortunate that some individuals have had negative experiences with this program due to fraudulent sellers.

However, it’s important to note that these scammers are not representative of the quality and effectiveness of the Old School New Body program itself.

To provide a balanced perspective, let’s take a look at the reviews on other platforms such as Reddit, Twitter (now X), and Facebook.

RedditNo Reviews
TwitterNo Reviews
FacebookNo Reviews
AmazonBad Reviews

It is evident from this information that while there may be negative feedback on Amazon due to scams by fake sellers, other platforms do not have any substantial user reviews for us to analyze.

Therefore, it would be unfair to judge the overall worthiness of the Old School New Body program based solely on these few negative incidents reported on one platform.

The short answer is Yes, this training program works as the module specifically addresses the root cause behind fat gain and other signs of aging.

Does this Training Program Really Work? Can You See Results?

Rather than following ineffective programs that only temporarily help to get rid of weight, this training process helps you to get quick and efficient results.

Just check at the transformation Becky Holman achieved utilizing the F4X Youth-Enhancing Bodyshaping System for Men and Women.

Becky Holman's transformation

This training program helps you reprogram your body. While you have free radicals from stress, processed foods, a sedentary lifestyle, pollution, smoking, UV radiations, blue light from screens, and a thousand other factors, this program helps to reduce that rate.

The long sessions of workouts add to the free radical buildup in the body. Unlike those sessions, this program will help you sustain a healthy life, plus, you can get anti-aging, body-transforming results in only 90 minutes a week!

With your purchase of the Old School New Body Fitness Training Program you get also the F4X quick start guide, plus, 5 free reports: Ultimate Fat-Burning Secrets, Ultimate Health & Happiness Secrets, Ultimate Muscle-Building Secrets and Ultimate Sex & Anti-Aging Secrets

Frequently Asked Questions

People’s physical strength typically peaks in their late 20s to early 30s and gradually declines with age. However, maintaining an active lifestyle and regular exercise can help slow the rate of decline and promote overall fitness as people get older.

The rate of muscle loss can vary from person to person, but generally, noticeable muscle loss may occur after about 3 weeks of inactivity. It’s essential to stay active or engage in resistance training to prevent muscle atrophy. The extent of loss depends on factors like diet, age, and prior fitness level.

After you purchase Old School New Body training program, you’ll receive it, along with your bonuses as downloadable files in your email.

Final Words – Old School New Body Review

To conclude things, I will say I am pretty much in favor of using this training module. Firstly, it dives deep into the root issues. Secondly, it saves time and thirdly, it caters to all aspects of overall health and fitness. Another benefit will be its low cost that really attracts one to use this system.

Visit the Old School New Body Official Website and get the F4X Youth-Enhancing Bodyshaping System for Men and Women for only $20.

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