14 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Stop Drinking Soda

what happens when you stop drinking soda

Stress, lack of exercise, poor diet, and mental fatigue are among the major factors that are ruining our health nowadays. When combined, they are responsible for the global declining health around the world.

Add the increasing consumption of sugar and you have a recipe for disaster that is responsible for the most dangerous conditions and diseases.

In this article we are going to explore what happens when you stop drinking soda and uncover the remarkable benefits it can bring to your health and well-being.

Soda And Sugar

Sugar is one of the worst offenders for our declining health. The fact that it’s in everything we eat right now doesn’t make things better.

Sugar is also a highly addictive substance, so it’s no wonder that it’s ruining our health without us being aware of it.

Although it can be found in everything we eat, there’s one thing in particular that’s so full of sugar it shouldn’t be legal to sell – soda drinks.

We all drink a can of soda every once in a while, but some people have a few every day. The original soda Dr. Pepper was created back in 1885, mostly as a medication for headaches, indigestion, and impotence. [1] [2]

Over time, though, it became a favorite drink of many and went from medicine to poison in only a short time.

Drinking soda regularly is ruining your health and even science is aware of it. Harvard University recently published the results of a study conducted for 20 years on over 120,000 people and found something shocked.

It appears that we gain weight by drinking a simple 12 oz. soda beverage every day, for an average of a pound per 4 years. Even worse, the study found links between soda drinks and obesity in children.

what happens when you stop drinking soda
Dr. Pepper vintage advertisement. Source

Additionally, people who drink only one soda can per day have an almost 30% higher risk of diabetes and a 20% higher risk of dying from a heart attack. [3]

Gout and other conditions and diseases were also linked to the consumption of soda drinks, so it’s safe to say that we’re better off without them.

And, that’s only scratching the surface. Although our body needs sugar, it wasn’t designed to process that much at once. Sugar damages the liver and all other organs, which is why we should give it up.

What happens when you stop drinking soda?

Here’s what quitting soda drinks can do for our health:

1. You Will Experience Withdrawal Symptoms

When you give up soda, you may experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches or fatigue, especially if you were drinking caffeinated soda. This is because soda, particularly those with caffeine, can cause dependence, similar to other drugs.

However, it’s important to note that these symptoms are temporary and a sign that your body is adjusting to the absence of soda.

It may take a few days for your body to readjust, but during this time, it can be helpful to drink black coffee or plain black or green tea to get a caffeine fix without the added sugars and empty calories.

2. You’ll feel more hydrated

By quitting soda, you’ll not only improve your overall health, but you’ll also find yourself feeling more hydrated throughout the day.

Sodas contain ingredients like artificial sweeteners, sugar, and caffeine that actually contribute to dehydration rather than providing hydration.

Research shows that drinking sweetened beverages increases dehydration markers in the blood and can damage the kidneys. Additionally, caffeine prevents your body from absorbing fluids, making you feel less hydrated when you consume caffeinated drinks.

Quitting soda will promote kidney health and keep your hydration levels high. This is important because proper hydration is essential for maintaining bodily functions and overall well-being.

3. Your Skin Will Look Better

youthfull skin

Quitting soda will help improve the appearance of your skin. Drinking soda can cause damage to your skin by promoting dryness, itchiness, redness, and acne. When you stop consuming soda, you allow your skin to heal and rejuvenate.

One reason for this improvement is that soda is often high in sugar, which can contribute to inflammation and breakouts.

Additionally, soda contains artificial ingredients and chemicals that may negatively impact the health of your skin. By eliminating soda from your diet, you’re reducing your intake of these harmful substances and giving your skin a chance to recover.

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4. You’ll Crave Less Sugar

When you stop drinking soda, you’ll experience a decrease in sugar cravings. Artificial sweeteners, which are commonly found in both regular and diet sodas, can mess with your sugar receptors and make you crave sweet things even more.

According to Harvard Health, artificial sweeteners can be even sweeter than real sugar, causing your taste buds to become accustomed to intense sweetness. This can lead to a cycle of craving and consuming sugary items, which can contribute to weight gain over time.

5. Your brain health will improve

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You’ll notice an improvement in your cognitive function and mental clarity when you cut out soda from your diet. Studies have shown that consuming high levels of sugary drinks, like soda, can have negative effects on your brain health.

In one study, people who drank sodas and sweetened drinks performed worse in memory tests compared to those who didn’t consume these beverages.

Additionally, sweetened beverages have been linked to anxiety-like symptoms, mental distress, and hyperactivity.

Drinking soda consistently over the years can also increase the risk of developing dementia and experiencing strokes.[4]

So, by eliminating soda from your diet, you can protect your brain health and reduce the chances of memory problems, anxiety, and other cognitive issues.

6. Your Heart Health Will Improve

By significantly reducing your soda intake, your heart health will noticeably improve. Studies have shown that consuming sugary beverages, such as soda, can lead to an imbalance of cholesterol and triglycerides in your body, which increases your risk of developing dyslipidemia and heart disease. [5]

When you quit drinking soda, you lower your intake of added sugars, which can help improve your heart health and prevent various deadly diseases like stroke. Cutting back on soda can also lower your risk of obesity, another major risk factor for heart disease.

Additionally, by replacing soda with healthier beverage options like water or unsweetened tea, you can further support your heart health. Making this change in your diet can have a significant impact on your overall cardiovascular well-being.

7. Your Bladder will become Healthier

Cutting back on soda can greatly improve the health of your bladder. Drinks that contain caffeine and artificial sweeteners, such as diet sodas, can irritate the bladder and increase the risk of urinary tract infections. [6]

When you stop drinking soda, you reduce your exposure to these potential irritants, allowing your bladder to function better.

Additionally, sugary drinks like sodas and juices can also contribute to bladder irritation. [7]

These drinks can increase the acidity of your urine, making it more irritating to the bladder lining. By eliminating soda from your diet, you can help restore the natural balance of your bladder and reduce the risk of bladder problems.

8. Your Teeth will become stronger


Surely, when you give up soda, your teeth will become stronger. The high sugar content in soda promotes bacterial growth and increases acidity in your mouth, leading to increased cavities and tooth decay.

When you consume sugary drinks, the bacteria in your mouth feed on the sugar and multiply rapidly, forming plaque. This plaque then adheres to your teeth and produces acid that erodes your tooth enamel, causing cavities.

A 1-year follow-up study among Taiwanese school children aged 8-9 years found that consumption of sugary drinks, including handmade drinks and carbonated drinks, contributed to cavity formation. [8]

Additionally, a 2018 study suggested that regular consumption of sugary foods and drinks in children increased the association of plaque bacteria, leading to gingivitis.

9. Your bones will become Stronger

Quitting soda consumption can lead to your bones becoming stronger. Sweetened sodas contain phosphorus, an artificially created chemical that can negatively impact bone health. This mutant form of phosphorus, found in the caramel color of dark soda, can cause calcium to leach out of bones. [9]

Additionally, the high sugar levels and caffeine in soda can further weaken bones. Phosphorus reduces calcium absorption in the body, while caffeine interferes with calcium absorption. [10]

Both of these ingredients contribute to increased calcium excretion through the kidneys, which can promote kidney stone formation.

Multiple studies have shown that frequent soda consumption increases the risk of fractures and broken bones. According to UCLA Health, Women who drank five to 10 sodas per week had a 16 percent increased risk of hip fractures, and women who drank more than 10 sodas per week had a 42 percent increased risk of hip fractures.

By cutting out soda, you can reduce the harmful effects on your bones and promote stronger bone health.

10. Your Kidneys will become Healthier

Drinking less soda can improve the health of your kidneys. Research has shown that carbonated and energy drinks, including soda, have been linked to an increased risk of chronic kidney disease and the formation of kidney stones. Consuming two or more sodas each day may heighten your chances of developing these conditions.

Chronic consumption of soda can also lead to the distortion and disruption of the microanatomy of the kidney. [11]

By reducing your soda intake, you can help protect your kidneys from these potential risks. Instead, opt for healthier beverage choices such as water or herbal tea, which can promote kidney health.

Taking this step can contribute to the overall well-being of your kidneys and support their vital functions.

11. Your Sex Life Will Improve

A woman in bed with a man

Soda cans often contain a harmful substance called BPA, which has been linked to reproductive problems and infertility. Even though some companies are phasing out BPA, many still use it, putting your health at risk. [12]

Consuming too much sugar can lead to insulin resistance, which can decrease testosterone levels in both men and women. When blood sugar levels are high, the blood vessels in the genitals may not dilate properly, making it difficult to experience arousal and pleasure. Additionally, high sugar consumption can lead to fatigue, decreased arousal, and increased stress levels, all of which can negatively impact sexual function.

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12. You’ll Lose Weight

By cutting out soda, you can shed those extra pounds. Drinking sweetened beverages and sodas is a major contributor to weight gain. These drinks are loaded with calories, and consuming them on a daily basis can cause you to pack on the pounds without even realizing it.

Numerous studies have shown a clear link between sugary drinks and obesity in both adolescents and adults. In fact, choosing noncaloric beverages instead of caloric ones as a weight-loss strategy has been found to result in average weight losses of 2% to 2.5%. [12]

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13. You Will Diminish The Risk Of Getting Any Chronic Disease

When you give up soda, you significantly decrease your chances of developing any chronic disease.

Research has shown that soda consumption is linked to an increased risk of various chronic conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. By eliminating soda from your diet, you can markedly improve your health and reduce the risk of these diseases.

Giving up soda can also benefit your cardiovascular health by eliminating a component of your diet that can cause increased fat deposits, putting you at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. Additionally, by substituting soda with water and other healthy drinks, you can improve your metabolism, cardiac health, and even potentially lose weight.

Furthermore, soda’s acidity is harmful to your digestive system and can erode tooth enamel and worsen acid reflux. [13]

Artificial sweeteners in diet sodas may also negatively impact your gut bacteria, affecting blood-sugar control, weight management, and overall immune system function.

14. Bonus: You Might Live Longer

You could potentially add years to your life by giving up soda. A study conducted by the Journal of Public Health found that regular soda consumption was associated with shorter telomeres in immune cells. Telomeres are protective caps of DNA that play a crucial role in aging and longevity. The longer our telomeres, the longer we tend to live.

By quitting sugary drinks like soda, you may be able to preserve the length of your telomeres and increase your chances of living a longer, healthier life. This finding adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that reducing soda intake can have significant health benefits.

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what happens when you stop drinking soda
what happens when you stop drinking soda
what happens when you stop drinking soda

Frequently Asked Questions

When you stop drinking soda, withdrawal symptoms can vary in duration. It’s important to note that everyone is different, but typically, these symptoms may last for a few days to a couple of weeks.

Cutting out soda can improve mental clarity and focus. Studies have shown that excessive sugar and caffeine in soda can lead to brain fog and decreased cognitive function. Quitting can help reverse these effects.

While soda may not directly cause damage to the stomach’s lining, it is highly carbonated, which can cause irritation for people who already have digestive issues.

Diet sodas are often considered a healthier alternative to regular sodas because they have slightly less calories. However, they can also contribute to weight gain and other health problems such as infertility and kidney problems.

Alternatives to soda are widely available. They include water, milk, coffee, tea, and even fresh fruit juices in moderation.

As little as possible. There is no safe limit. If you think that by drinking 1 per day is “safe” then you are doing a big mistake.

Botton Line

In conclusion, if you stop drinking soda, you can expect to experience withdrawal symptoms initially, but you’ll ultimately reap numerous benefits.

Your hydration levels will improve, leading to better skin and decreased sugar cravings.

Additionally, you’ll reduce your risk of chronic diseases and may even live longer.

So, consider making the switch to healthier beverage options and enjoy the positive impacts on your overall well-being.

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